Women Should Not be Allowed to Vote

by Dick McAsshole
December 15th, 2022

There once was a time when Americans were free. The men who founded and built the country were of a different breed. They believed in self-determination, independence, and rugged individualism.

George Washington addressing Continental Congress
Washington addresses the Constitutional Convention

A Masculine Republic is Born

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and the rest of The Founding Fathers of the United States were well versed in history. These strong and wise men understood that the only hope for the fledgling nation to succeed was to establish it as a Constitutional Republic.

The US Constitution restricted the government's power to infringe upon people’s freedoms. This presented American citizens with an exceptional and unique opportunity for freedom unlike anything seen before in history.

Voting was limited to men who were over 21 years of age and were property owners.

Ben Franklin Quote

The Age of Freedom and Expansion

From the late 1700s to the late 1800s, Americans were free to pursue their dreams and build the lives they wanted with little to no government interference. The results were astounding.

The quality of life for the average American increased substantially. Because men were free and unencumbered by the government, countless inventions and discoveries were made. This further improved quality of life for virtually all citizens.

"Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times."

- Michael Hopf

The 1800s were a period of rapid expansion for the United States. Between 1792 and 1900 the number of states grew from the initial 13 to 45 as pioneers moved westward. Several territories were also claimed which expanded the size of the country to nearly what it is today. America was strong and growing.

During this entire period there was no income tax. There was no social security, welfare or any other massive and wasteful government program which required taxation (theft). The government was not involved in private business. Men were free to conduct business as they saw fit. Real market forces allowed proper pricing of products and services in a true free market. Government burdens upon average people were almost nonexistent.


Men Inventing Everything and Exploring the Country

Lewis and Clark Expedition
Alexander Graham Bell with telephone
Steam engine train
Thomas Edison holding light bulb
Genius Henry Ford
Wright brothers flying

The Rise of Feminine Democracy and Weak Men

As the 1900s began, the lessons learned by strong men of the previous era began to fade. Times were good, and those good times ushered in weak men and weak attitudes. These weak men, having forgotten the reasons for the establishment of a masculine Republic, let feminine democracy rear its ugly head.

Despite lectures about the wonders of "democracy" from today's media, the United States was established as a Republic. There is a distinct and critical difference between the two. A Republic is a nation of laws, while a democracy is nothing but mob rule.

women shouldn't be allowed to vote
A Disaster in Progress

This period also experienced a shift in opinion regarding women's role in society. The desire of women to vote had previously arisen, but these earlier attempts were rightfully ignored. Unfortunately, in the early 1900s, a vocal minority of women gained a formidable amount of support from other women and weak men. The 19th Amendment, allowing women the right to vote, was ratified in 1920.

With the 19th Amendment ratified, a big step towards democracy had been taken. America's fate was sealed. The country was now moving firmly away from a Republic. Freedom would, by necessity, decline going forward.

Thomas Jefferson democracy is mob rule

The Nanny State

What is bad about women having the right to vote? It results in enslavement for the rest of us. The major issue is the difference between how men and women think. By nature, women will vote based upon their emotions as opposed to the facts. Instead of seeing the government as the corrupt institution that it is, women view the government as their daddy or husband from whom they seek shelter, protection and comfort.


"Women see government as their husbands"

- Ann Coulter

Countless wasteful government programs have been created since 1920 and continue to be created almost daily. Women will overwhelmingly support massive government programs which sounds "nice". Social Security, welfare, SNAP, WIC, and countless other government programs steal from working Americans (taxation) to fund these massive scams. While these all sound "nice", they in fact are corrupt ponzi schemes.

How women think government works
how government really works

Women vote overwhelmingly for Democrat/leftist candidates who promise social programs that will "take care" of them. Politicians are well aware that if they label a government program "for the children", women will enthusiastically support it, even if that program actually enslaves those children and their parents.

Since the 19th Amendment was ratified, the size and spending of the US Federal government has expanded exponentially. As the government has grown in size, it expanded its power and reach into all of our lives. As women overwhelmingly vote for a government to "take care of them" or to "be nice to people" the result has been horrendous. A powerful "Nanny State" government has grown into a behemoth that has impacted almost every aspect of the average person's life. Countless Regulations, licenses, laws, taxes have devastated people's lives and businesses. Group-think and a sense of entitlement is now the norm, having replaced the attitude of rugged individualism. Long gone are the days where men were free to make decisions or conduct business without having to "ask permission" from a government agency, along with payment of fees to said government.

increase in federal spending due to women voting
US Federal Spending

The exponential rise in government spending is directly related to women gaining the right to vote and their desire for government services (handouts). As these massive programs grew in size, so did the size of government. The bigger the size of the government, the less freedom we had. Because government is not a business and requires money to pay for these scandalous programs it has to obtain its funding from somewhere. And where do they get this funding, you may ask? They collect these funds from one place: YOUR PAYCHECK.

Aristotle Masculine Republics

Women Vote For Tyranny

However well-intentioned giving women the right to vote was, it has had a horrendous effect on individuals and the nation as a whole. Women's voting habits ensure that the rest of us remain tax slaves to the federal and state governments as their source of funding for social programs for the mindless masses.

Women gaining the right to vote has enabled tyranny to gain a firm hold on America. The "dangerous" freedoms we once enjoyed as a country are replaced with a government that attempts to control us and ensure our "safety".

Most women want a government that provides free food and shelter, free health care, and free entertainment. They desire a system that makes their decisions for them. A place like this already exists. It's called prison.