Toxic Masculinity Does Not Exist

Masculinity is the Solution, Not the Problem

by Dick McAsshole
February 1st, 2023
Spartan warrior with shield wearing helmet

Once there was a time when men were expected to embody masculinity. This was a time when the phrase "honor, duty, and country" was the mantra of real men. The men who took these masculine traits to heart bravely explored the world and built great nations that brought mankind out of the stone age. These were the men who fought wars to protect their families and defend the countries they loved when under attack.


Masculinity Builds Men of Character

Masculinity is what turns boys into men and builds men of character and strength. The main traits of masculinity are:

  • Confidence
  • Courage (mental & physical)
  • Discipline
  • Emotional Control
  • Honesty
  • High Risk Tolerance
  • Integrity
  • Kindness
  • Leadership
  • Strength

These define a masculine man. None of these are toxic. On the contrary, they are required for men and societies to thrive.


"There is nothing toxic about masculinity. What is toxic are the leftist ideas that have infected America"

- Dick McAsshole

Attempts to Redefine Masculinity

In recent years the leftists and Marxists who pollute American society and the Western world have been waging a war against masculinity. As we know, the politically-correct crowd enjoys trying to redefine the meaning of words in an attempt to spread confusion. By trying to redefine masculinity as "toxic masculinity", they are attempting to change what it means to be a masculine man.

Some of these ludicrous accusations are that masculinity means preying on others, forcing people to do things against their will or abusing and raping women. That is not masculinity. That's criminal behavior, cowardice and weakness.

These same leftists openly admit to looking down upon true masculine values and traits such as independence, discipline, leadership and physical strength.

Flock of sheep
Society wants you to be this
Become the wolf, not the sheep
You must become this

Why They Don't Want You to Be Masculine

Masculinity represents a real threat to the leftist and Marxist agenda. Their aim is to place everyone into a group and destroy the individual. Individuality is an obstacle to their goals. They need groups to control. Their goal is not to better to society. Their goal is to gain political power, no matter the cost.

The very traits of masculinity are the very traits these leftists and Marxists want to eliminate - by any means possible. Masculine men, by nature, will stand up and fight against their tyranny and evil. The values of masculine men are in direct opposition to the philosophy of these collectivists. Men who are self-made and have become self-sufficient cannot be bought off or controlled as easily. When you become financially successful on your own terms and have the ability to think critically while controlling your emotions, you are a threat. Not a threat to civil society, but a threat to the Marxist/collectivist agenda. This is why they don't want you to be masculine.


"Masculine men will stand and fight against their leftist agenda. This is why they need to eliminate masculinity."

- Dick McAsshole

Lack of Masculinity is the Problem

The reasons for the rampant moral decay in America and the Western World is due to the lack of masculinity - not excess masculinity. As they encourage more people to engage in self-pity and try to convince them that they are perpetual victims they will have more people behind their political cause. Leftist groups systematically attempt to indoctrinate entire groups to blame others (white men and America) for their problems. They actively encourage people to wallow in self-pity and cast blame onto others.

What has the result been? Out of control theft, looting, riots, political corruption and general societal decay. Crime has increased directly because of the spread of these leftist and Marxist ideas. Their philosophy is one of weakness and immorality. It is in direct opposition to masculinity.

Most American men have become feminized and weak. Weak men are fearful and won't confront crime or evil when it happens. Is there any wonder why we have out of control criminal behavior?

Self Control Makes the Man
Masculinity makes men. Leftism makes victims.

Masculinity Builds Strong Men and Strong Societies

America and the West has undergone a dramatic shift in culture in the past few decades. The rise of Marxist ideas in public education and government have almost completely destroyed what made America a great nation. The notions of rugged independence, self-sufficiency, leadership and kindness have been replaced with self-pity, victimhood and selfishness. These are the traits of weakness and collectivists.

The ideas of leftists, wokesters, Marxists and other collectivists have been a poison that has spread across this once-free nation.

The only way to stem this destructive tide is for masculine men to stand and confront these anti-American and anti-freedom leftists. The honor, integrity and work ethic of the men that built this great country is also what can save it - the ideals of free, masculine men.

Marcus Aurelius Truth Quotation
Seeking the Truth is a Fundamental Part of Masculinity

What is good for the man is good for the nation. Masculinity built this great country and can also save it. Men should do all they can to become more self-sufficient. Build your own business. Home school your children. Study philosophy and build a circle of like-minded men. By doing these things you will be doing your part to help yourself and the country. Critical thinking and solid action are what will turn the tide in this dark period of history.