The Power of Discipline

by Lt. Col. Juan Garcia
November 18th, 2022
US Marines disciplined formation
US Marines Exemplify Discipline

Accomplishments and goals are a critical part of life a man's life. Whether in our personal or business lives, we all have goals we want to achieve. Accomplishing anything of importance takes planning and proper execution. If you want to achieve your goals you cannot do it in haphazard fashion.

A multitude of factors come into play when determining whether or not you successfully achieve your goals. While many of these are beyond your control, there is one thing that you can control and will be required of you: discipline.


"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment"

- Jim Rohn

Get Your Shit in One Sock

Unless you want to end up like the lazy sack of shit in the picture below you better get your act together. Want to become disciplined? Start with the #1 objective: become self-sufficient.

Stop depending on other people to do things for you. At a minimum your job is to not be a burden to others and support yourself.

Do you wait for your girlfriend or mom to wash your clothes? Do you depend on your wife to cook you dinner because you can't? Want your mom to come wipe your ass? Kill that shit now. Start doing these things yourself. If you don't know how then learn how. You don't want to become a leftist asshole, do you?

lazy and out of shape young man watching TV
Undisciplined and Dead Inside

Eliminate Bad Habits

If you're not disciplined a good way to get on the path is to eliminate the things that are holding you back. A sort of "detox" from the mainstream garbage lifestyle will be required.

  • Stop watching TV
  • Stop playing video games (or limit it drastically)
  • Stop watching sports (or limit it drastically)
  • Stop listening to mainstream news
  • Stop being so "nice"
  • Stop eating crap food

"Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid."

- Proverbs 12:1

Build Good Habits of Discipline

Self discipline is nothing but the formation of good habits. Develop a high tolerance for repetition. Repetition will build competence. Positive habits and discipline go hand in hand. Plan out your next day before you go to bed. Set clear goals. The more specific, the better.

Want to start kicking ass and get on the path to success? Here's a starter self-discipline list for you that I, Lt. Col. Juan Garcia, follow daily:

  • Get up early (4:30 AM is best)
  • Lift weights
  • Read/Study
  • Intermittent Fast Daily
  • Follow a proper diet
  • Meditate/Picture your Goals
  • Work your ass off
  • Bed at 9 PM

You can use this list as a starting point or create your own. Just get started. Make a schedule and stick to it.

Note: Joining the military used to be a right of passage for men. This was a great way to become disciplined and get the kick in the ass you need. However, as leftist doctrine has begun to infiltrate the military in recent years, we cannot recommend this path at this time.

Robert Kiyosaki quote about discipline

The More Disciplined You Become, The Easier Life Gets

It has been proven that people with self discipline lead more productive lives. They accomplish goals more consistently, have healthier relationships and are generally happier. As you integrate self discipline further into your life your confidence will grow as you realize you're more capable than you previously thought. This will become a self-reinforcing positive feedback loop.

As with anything else, the more you practice the better you become. The more discipline you develop, the better your life will be. Being disciplined will eliminate useless distractions and activities from your day. This will free up time to focus on the goals that are important to you.

Jocko Willink Discipline Equals Freedom

As Jocko Willink points out in his appropriately titled book, "Discipline Equals Freedom", discipline IS freedom. Freedom from distractions. Freedom from bad habits. Freedom to focus on worthwhile goals. Freedom to succeed.


Get Ready to Kick Ass

Success isn't an accident. People who achieve goals consistently have mastered the habit of self-discipline. Once you've integrated the habit of discipline into your life you will become unstoppable. You will be ready to set goals and achieve them. Make those habits a way of life and you will be well on your way to building the life you want.