Men Must Learn How to Fight

by Dick McAsshole
December 9th, 2022

"The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools."

- Thucycdides

Strip away the clean and pressed clothes, the fancy car, the gay loafers and the comfortable home. What do you have? A caveman. Our bodies and minds have changed little from 10,000 years ago. Scientific studies have shown that our masculine bodies were shaped by fighting. Our bodies were specifically tailored for throwing punches during battles with rival males. Those that could fight reproduced. Those that couldn't died off.

Hercules fighting a liberal democrat
Hercules Battling a liberal democrat

Strong Societies Taught Young Men to Fight

The past teaches us that strong, masculine men were required to build successful and stable societies. Along with a proper education, learning the art of fighting was an integral part of raising a son. The Spartans, Greeks, Romans and many other societies trained their young men to fight. With guidance and discipline these young men became well versed in the skills of combat. Unlike the generations of today, the natural tendency of young men to fight was properly channeled in these past societies.


Fast Forward to Snowflake World

Today's leftist/feminized "snowflake" society shuns fighting and self-defense. The obvious societal and personal impact has been devastating. Instead of becoming safer, society has become more violent as the evil among us go unopposed. Good men do nothing or cower when confronted with threats of violence or harm. Young men have become timid and weak. Men have little self respect or understand that violence is sometimes required to defeat a violent threat.

masculine cowboy with rifle
Man with testicles attached
modern feminine gay man
And removed

This feminine attitude that pervades modern society is dangerous and self-destructive. There is nothing beneficial to being fearful, weak or dependent upon others for your safety.


"The feminization of men has resulted in a more dangerous society, not a safer one"

- Dick McAsshole

Your Duty as a Man

One of your duties as a man is to provide protection. You must know how to protect yourself, your family and your community. There may come a time when you or your family are threatened. What will your response be? Will you run away? Will you dial 911 and hope for the best? Will you stand your ground and do your duty?


Get Started

If you have no experience in fighting get started today. There are many styles of martial arts to choose from. Some may be more appealing than others for your particular interests or physical abilities. Just to list a few:

  • Boxing
  • Brazilian jiu-jitsu
  • Jeet Kune Do
  • Judo
  • Krav Maga
  • Muay Thai
Men practicing Muay Thai

The list is endless, but these are some of the most popular. Pick one that will provide real-world self-defense skills. While there are some believers in Karate or other more artistic martial arts, these are likely to get your ass kicked in a real-world scenario. You want something that you can learn in a realistic amount of time that is designed for combat.

You should be able to find an instructor or school nearby. Keep in mind that some of the martial arts schools are "diploma mills". Avoid these like the plague, as they are just designed to boost your ego with fancy colored belts. You will learn little and pay for the privilege of doing so.

You will want to and need to engage in sparring. While this wouldn't be full force fighting, it will help you develop your skills in a more realistic scenario. Learning martial arts without sparring will be a half effort.

men boxing and sparring
Sparring provides critical training

As with anything, do your research. Learn the pros and cons of each art. Then pick one and build it into your schedule. As you gain proficiency over time you may want to learn more than one style.


The Benefits are Endless

The martial arts will change you for the better. Over time you will develop a deep, quiet confidence that is hard to describe. It is not about being boastful or a loud bully who picks fights. It is about developing feelings of respect, discipline, strength and having the ability to face a threat. I can guarantee if you do the work, you will be changed on a deep level and you will wonder why you hadn't started training earlier.

  • Self Defense
  • Increased Confidence
  • Physical Fitness
  • Discipline
  • Situational Awareness
  • Improved hand-eye coordination

Additionally, the martial arts are a great way for young men to learn how to control their natural aggressiveness in a positive environment. It's also a great way to blow off steam after a long day.


The Disadvantages of Learning To Fight

There are no disadvantages. Do you seriously believe there is any downside to this? Stop being a pussy.

man getting punched in face
Learning in progress

The Missing Link

Becoming a man is not easy, nor should it be. Pain and hardship help build the complete man. While getting punched in the face is not always enjoyable, you will learn how to take the pain and keep going. You will develop a resilience that goes beyond words. If you are not training in the fighting arts yet, this is a critical skill that is missing from your life.