Liberals Are Racists

Liberal Racism Knows No Bounds

by Lt. Col. Juan Garcia
March 1st, 2023
Joe Biden Being Racist

The hypocrisy of liberals is obvious to most of us, but one of the most glaring examples is their overt racism. Despite their continual accusations of conservatives being racists, it is liberals who are the true racists.


"Liberals always classify people by skin color. They support, enforce and institutionalize racism."


Examples of Liberal Racism

Liberal racism is nothing new in America. From the foundation of the Ku Klux Klan by southern Democrats continued through to today's liberal Democrat party, racism is alive and well. Despite their vocal claims to the contrary, liberals have done all they can to ensure that racism thrives. The overt racial prejudice expressed by liberals goes virtually unmentioned in mainstream media, but any hint of racism by a conservative becomes front page news.

Liberal racism in the early days

Liberal Politicians are the Epitome of Racists

The devastation caused by liberal policies is well-known, but the outright racist actions of liberal politicians is without equal. Racial quotas in government hiring, private companies, and college and university admissions are blatantly racist. Now we have "black" history month. What could be more racist? A month dedicated to the color of one group's skin color? What if we had "white" history month? I doubt this would receive the same fanfare.

Joe Biden being racist again
Biden being racist again
President Johnson being racist
LBJ was a famous racist

Besides being anti-American, these race-based policies destroy trust and sow seeds of racial animosity. This matters little to the leftists, as they are intent on ensuring that racism becomes entrenched in almost every aspect of the lives of Americans.

While they pretend that they're "defending" blacks and Hispanics by enacting these race-based policies, they are only ensuring that racism becomes more entrenched and institutionalized with each race-based policy that becomes law. By stoking the fires of racial tensions, they are able to gain more political power while posing as defenders of minorities.

Hillary Clinton and Robert Byrd, KKK member
Hillary Clinton with her KKK pal US Senator Robert Byrd
Joe Biden with KKK member Robert Byrd
Joe Biden and his KKK buddy

Martin Luther King, Jr's Message Has Been Killed by Liberals

Reverend King was absolutely correct. There should be a day when people are not judged by their skin color. Unfortunately, his message has been twisted and trampled upon by liberals. His vision of a colorblind society is now farther away from becoming reality than ever before. While using his name to support their political causes, liberals have distorted Reverend King's message and use it as a nothing but a tool to gain power.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Quote
This will never come true because of liberals

Liberal Racist Policies

Among the most vile politicians, Joe Biden carries on the deep tradition of enacting race-based policies. New racist executive orders further ensure that the focus of government work and hiring is not based upon qualifications, but solely upon the color of a person's skin. This racism is touted as noble, but there is nothing noble in being a racist. Government has become a magnet for the lowest filth in society, and Biden excels in this role.

Biden can't help but be racist
The very definition of racism

"..a new executive order encourages federal agencies to focus on racial group identity rather than the character and qualifications of employees and contractors. It will result in racial quotas in hiring, procuring, and even using artificial intelligence throughout the government."


Why Are Liberals So Racist?

Why do liberals so enthusiastically support the race-based policies and racism against whites and Asians? Besides the obvious political power that they gain by creating and supporting racist policies, we can only conclude that liberals actually believe that without their help, blacks and Hispanics are incapable of success or achievement. Liberals must harbor a deep seated belief that these groups are inferior, or they would not need to pose as their saviors.

Oprah claiming everything is racist
When everything is labeled as racist then nothing really is

Everything is Racist

"You're a racist!" is the last-ditch attempt to win an argument by a liberal. The term "racist" is thrown around with such frequency that it has entirely lost its meaning and impact. When everything becomes racist, then nothing really is.


Societal Damage of Liberal Racism

As liberals are guided by feelings instead of intellect, the net result of their policies and attitudes is widespread damage to society. Instead of less racism, we have more. Instead of a more cohesive society, we have more division, strife and conflict. The struggles and victories gained by the civil rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s have been erased due to liberal racism masked under the guise of assistance. Liberals are directly to blame for the current situation. What a sad state of affairs.