Kill Your Ego

Your Greatest Enemy Is Within You

by Dick McAsshole
February 26th, 2023
David killing Goliath

You have an enemy that must be killed. This enemy is a liar, and the vast majority of men believe his lies. Comforting thoughts and pretentious accolades are his weapon of choice. Men fall by the wayside as they succumb to the easy attainment of these temptations. His goal is to make you complacent and weak, so that he can thrive. Who is this most powerful of enemies that causes so much pain and hardship in the lives of men? It is your ego. Your mission is to kill it or suffer the consequences.


"Man conquers the world by conquering himself."

- Zeno

Ego Is The Enemy

The ancient Greek sages understood that ego was the ultimate enemy for every man. Arrogant men who could not control their ego were not to be trusted as they were unpredictable and did not make rational decisions. The sages knew that only through humility and thoughtful introspection could a man find truth and real strength.

Ego is the Enemy - Ryan Holiday

Why You Must Kill Your Ego

Your ego is holding you back. It's keeping you from becoming the man you could be. Your ego will blind you to the true nature of things and make you believe that you are better than you truly are. Wikipedia's article on egotism goes into great detail regarding how your ego can lie to you.

In what ways does your ego hold you back?

Here are just a few ways in which your ego hinders your development and growth as a man:

  • it makes you afraid to try new things for fear of being judged
  • It makes you resent other people's success
  • It keeps you from learning
  • It keeps you from seeking and asking for help when you need it
  • It prevents you from seeing the truth
  • It hurts your relationships, both business and personal
  • It warps your perception of yourself
  • it is the enemy of leadership

Much of the suffering and distress in the world are the direct result of egocentric decisions. Temporary accolades, a "pat on the head" or a "participation trophy" satisfies the weak-minded and soulless, but causes untold pain in the long run.

Ego-driven decisions and attitudes cause damage to you and those around you. It is a path to ruin. Regardless of where you are in life, you must keep your ego in check or you will suffer the fate of mediocrity and stagnation.


"Three in ten will just pass through from birth to death, some barely here and others are born to disappear. What is the reason for this? Because they live in their ego, not knowing their authentic self."

- The Tao Te Ching

How To Kill Your Ego

Despite being a formidable opponent, there are ways to battle your ego and win. Discipline application of the following methods can help you in your fight. Practice these daily and you will be able to win the battle against your ego.

Stay humble
Regardless of your position in society, realize all men are the same. You are not special. Your life is finite and time is fleeting. You are mortal. You will take nothing with you upon your death. This not bad. This is not good. This is the way of things.

Work Hard
Work diligently at your daily tasks. Do not boast about what you have accomplished or complain about your burdens. Everyone has work to do, everyone has burdens to carry. It is not the burden, but how you carry the burden that matters. Work hard and stay humble.

Practice Gratitude
Gratitude is the father of all virtues. As a masculine man, you should already know this but you must drill this into your soul. The path of the warrior poet is based upon gratitude. Being grateful for all that you have is what will set you on the path to truth and freedom.

Maintain Silence
Schedule as much time as possible in your day for silence and self reflection. The noise of the external world distracts you from what is important. Stillness allows you to think clearly. Focus on your mortality. Focus on facing your fears. Focus on what you want to become and how you want to spend your remaining days. You need to shock your thinking from "I'll live forever" to "I could die tomorrow". This will help you maintain humility and concentrate on the tasks in front of you.

Stop Caring What Others Think
Never do or say anything because of what others may think of you. Why would you care what anyone else thinks of you when they can't even get their own life together? Most people are directionless and seek fame, wealth and titles. They are like children who must satisfy their egos. Because of this they will never know true peace or fulfillment.

You, on the other hand, must never take into consideration the opinions of others. Base your words and actions in truth. Be brave enough to act on your conscience alone. The opinions of others toward you - good or bad - are meaningless.


"Keep in mind how fast things pass by and are gone–those that are now and those to come. Existence flows past us like a river: the ‘what’ is in constant flux, the ‘why’ has a thousand variations. Nothing is stable, not even what’s right here. The infinity of past and future gapes before us—a chasm whose depths we cannot see. So it would take an idiot to feel self-importance."

- Marcus Aurelius

A Warrior's Journey

The battle with your ego will never end, as this is the nature of men. You must remain vigilant against the temptations to satisfy your ego's desires. This may prove difficult in the beginning, but with practice you will master the skills and it will become easier.

Your path ahead is one of depth and meaning. You will be introduced to your real self. This is where power, peace and satisfaction comes from. Most will never see it. I have faith that you will.

Ego is the Enemy - Ryan Holiday