7 Reasons Why American Women Are Horrible

by Lt. Col. Juan Garcia
January 2nd, 2023
American women are awful and fat

"Thar she blows!! If I were a whaling captain in the 1800s, I'd be readying the harpoons"

- Lt. Col. Juan Garcia

American women are awful. Once thought of as charming, reserved and beautiful, today's American women are the bottom of the barrel. Their downfall has been dramatic and painful to watch. How did this happen? A multitude of factors have come together to cause this crisis: the rise of feminism, leftist/Marxist teachers in colleges, single mothers, and the government's heavy involvement in all aspects of our lives, just to name just a few. Below, in order of least offensive to the most, are the seven reasons why American women are horrible.


7American Women are Narcissistic

A basic definition of narcissism is: "a person with an inflated idea of themselves and a need for lots of attention from other people.". This describes most American women to a T. They constantly overrate themselves on the attractiveness and desireability scale. Women who are average looking at best think they deserve to land a rich and hot "chad" boyfriend, while dismissing most good men outright. The "selfie" culture is another demonstration of American women's narcissistic behavior. Constantly posting pictures of themselves online and documenting their entire lives for others to see feeds their craving for continual attention. American women think they're all movie stars in the making.

Women taking selfie at dinner
Narcissism on display. Always taking selfies

6 American Women are Entitled

Closely related to narcissism is the entitlement mentality that American women display. It's easy to spot these traits. Feeling that they deserve special treatment, American women are completely self-absorbed. Gone are the days of the slightly shy and polite lady. Now most American are rude, loud, trashy and argumentative. You will experience this first-hand if you don't take them to the latest trendy and expensive restaurant to which they think they are entitled.


5 American Women are Covered in Tattoos

My father always said, "Only sailors and prostitutes get tattoos". He was right. I know some of you gents think tattoos can look attractive on a woman, but some people love fat chicks, too. Your opinion is therefore null and void. We've all heard the phrase, "a woman getting tattoos is like putting bumper stickers on a Ferrari". This is true. This shows that most women (and many men, too) follow the herd and don't think for themselves. Permanently disfiguring yourself to "fit in" or to impress other people with how cool you are is a game for losers. Is the little heart tattoo on her ankle a deal-breaker? Probably not, but it's best not to get involved with a tattooed woman. Leave them to the paying customers.

Women taking selfie at dinner
What a waste

4 American Women Are Obese

Thar she blows!! If I were a whaling captain in the 1800s, I'd be readying the harpoons. I know many of you think the same thing when you see some of the massive land whales lumbering through your town. These enormous beasts can be seen everywhere, and they are a sight to behold. A horrible sight indeed! I sit in awe as I see soccer moms in mini-vans pull up to the Starbucks drive thru window while scarfing down donuts. The immense girth of most American women is a clear indication of their need for instant gratification and lack of self-discipline. American women are, by far, the fattest women in the world.

Captain Ahab with harpoon
These are bountiful waters for a whaling captain
Captain Ahab's whale
A massive beast she is

3 American Women are Promiscuous

The leftist/liberal culture in the West has poisoned the well for American women. Women think nothing of having multiple sexual partners at the same time. Not only that, but this viewpoint is promoted and glorified throughout today's culture. There is a double standard between men and women when it comes to sex, and justifiably so. Volumes could be written about that topic, but suffice it to say, men and women are not the same when it comes to sex. A promiscuous woman is not one you want to deal with. Aside from the emotional issues and pain she would bring into your life, you don't want to experience the "hotdog down a hallway" syndrome or have that burning and itching sensation that presents itself a few days later.


2 American Women Are Masculine

Sometimes she looks like a man. Sometimes she acts like a man. Sometimes she does both. I'm not sure how many of you simps out there get turned on by a masculine woman, but for me, it's a definite boner-killer. American women are now so opposed to their natural femininity that they work hard to look and act like men. This is just another sad episode on the leftist road to disaster. If some of you guys like the muscle-bound body or "in charge" attitude of today's American women, you may want to switch teams as you're definitely on the wrong one.

Muscular woman
Uh, hard pass
bossy woman
Boner killer

1 American Women Have Horrible Attitudes

Taking all of these factors into account, we now can present the #1 worst thing about American women: their attitude! Combine selfishness, arrogance, self-entitlement, narcissism and manliness and you have a winning combination for an unbearable human being. The icing on the cake is the liberal/leftist beliefs that they've swallowed hook, line, and sinker. No man would want to deal with that. This tragic downfall is sad, but we thankfully do have wonderful alternatives as you can read in this post: Where Feminine Women Still Exist
When it comes to American women, don't waste your time.

Woman giving the finger
Typical American Woman's Attitude