5 Reasons Why Guns Are Good

Guns Equal Freedom

by Dick McAsshole
February 12th, 2023
Guns are good AR-15. A fine weapon

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."

- Thomas Jefferson
1776, Draft 1 of the Virginia Constitution

Guns are good. Firearms are one of most important and beneficial tools ever invented by man. Despite the loser-think from leftists, guns are a critical part of our past and help to secure our future. Without firearms, the course of history would have changed. They were an important element in the founding and expansion of America. Guns helped our forefathers put food on the table and guns helped to defend this great nation against threats both foreign and domestic.


1. Guns Ensure Freedom

Guns were so important to the Founding Fathers that they forever enshrined the right of the people to own firearms in the Constitution of the United States. So important was this right, that the founders made it the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution. It wasn't an afterthought. It's not the 20th Amendment nor the 35th Amendment. It's the 2nd Amendment - right behind freedom of speech. America possibly would not exist without firearms. The founding fathers all knew the importance of ordinary citizens having the ability to fight back against their oppressors. Today, this right is more important than ever, as the dark forces of leftists and the tyrannical forces within our own government constantly attack this most-important right. This is why all Americans should own as many firearms and as much ammunition as they can possibly afford.

Musket Fire and the Birth of America
Good times during the American Revolution

"To disarm the peopleā€¦[i]s the most effectual way to enslave them."

- George Mason
June 14, 1788, The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution

2. Guns Provide Self-Defense

The right to self-defense is a natural right, not a privilege dictated by some government agency. Defending yourself, your home, your family and property from a violent threat is of utmost importance and must be taken seriously. How you defend yourself is up to you, but a gun is usually the best tool for the job.

As men, it comes more naturally to defend ourselves and our families. Women, however, are at a disadvantage when it comes to defending themselves. Let's say a 90 pound woman is home alone with her small children and a 200 pound man attempts to break into her home. She can dial 911 and wait for the meat wagon to haul her and her children's bodies away, or she can defend herself with a firearm. There are countless stories each year of women defending themselves against predators, robbers and rapists using a firearm. Of course, these stories rarely make it to mainstream news, as it goes against the leftist narrative of being dependent upon government for everything.

Women would be doing themselves a favor by learning about proper firearms handling and owning guns for self-defense. I would implore all women to purchase a gun to provide adequate protection for themselves and their families.

Gun room in home
A Properly Equipped Home

3. Guns Reduce Crime

Guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens reduce crime. Despite the numerous leftist-funded studies to the contrary, the undisputed fact is that when the good guys have guns, crime goes down significantly. When criminals have to consider that a potential victim may be armed, crime is reduced. Conservative states such as Texas, Wyoming and Montana allow for concealed carry by citizens and are much safer than leftist/liberal states.

Criminals act differently when they understand that there may be lethal repercussions for their actions.

In direct contrast, cities with the most strict gun control laws have the highest rates of gun-related and all other crimes. How could this be? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that gun control laws only apply to people who follow the law. Criminals thrive in areas where gun control laws are strict because there is little chance of them encountering an armed victim. Cities like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and the majority of democrat-controlled cities all have very high crime rates due to strict gun control laws and the coddling of criminals and the tolerance of criminal behavior.

Sig Sauer P-320
Sig Sauer P-320
A favorite of mine and a great fashion accessory.

4. Guns Advanced Mankind

Firearms are one of the most important and beneficial inventions by mankind. Before firearms, the most advanced tools that men had for self-defense, hunting and warfare consisted of knives, swords, and the bow and arrow. Like all inventions, guns brought efficiency to all of these areas. While warfare is generally a horrible thing, the ability of all people to defend themselves or to put food on the table was increased dramatically because of guns. Prior to this, all of these tasks were much more difficult and demanded much more physical strength and prowess.

With the invention of the gun, society was changed forever, but also was propelled forward. Nations were explored and conquered. Ultimately, guns in the hands of ordinary people were an important part of creating this greatest of nations the world has yet to see.

Guns are good AR-15. A fine weapon

5. Guns Are Fun For All

Whether it's plinking tin cans with a 22-caliber pistol or shooting high-powered rifles competitively, the shooting sports are a great hobby. Shooting is just plain fun.

If properly taught, a son or daughter will benefit greatly from learning to use guns properly. By teaching your children the proper handling and use of firearms, they will learn discipline, focus and have fun at the same time.

You will also meet some of the best people at gun clubs, shooting ranges, and firearms events. People with morals and real American values naturally gravitate towards the shooting sports. You will make friends while enjoying a great pastime.

Proper teaching of kids to shoot
Kids learn discipline and focus
Competitive shooting is a great sport
Competitive shooting is
a great challenge

Guns are Good

Despite the mainstream brainwashing against guns that continues unabated, guns are a great invention and an overall benefit to society.

I highly recommend joining 2nd Amendment-supporting organizations such as National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America. We must do all we can as Americans to keep the vile leftists from destroying our right to keep and bear arms.

If you're not yet a gun owner, I would urge you to start learning about guns, get proper training and get started shooting. Soon, you will catch the "gun bug" like I have, and you will start building your gun collection. Even after several decades of collecting and shooting different firearms, my love affair with guns just continues to grow.